
Anyone who will be requesting reimbursement for travel-related expenses must have an approved Travel Authorization on file prior to the date(s) of travel. A blanket authorization may be submitted for the entire fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) for frequent in-state travel (covers mileage and parking expenses only). However, a separate travel authorization is required for any travel that requires registration fees, airline tickets, or overnight stays in a hotel. The travel authorization must include all estimated expenses for each trip. All out-of-state and out-of-country travel must be approved by the President of the College.

Documentation regarding all expected travel-related expenses should be attached to the back of the travel authorization, i.e., per diem rates, conference information, transportation costs, etc. Please remember that the authorization is an estimate of total expenses.

Reimbursement of expenses will only take place after travel has taken place, and both a Travel Authorization Form and a Travel Expense Form have been submitted (Including the attachment of all outstanding receipts/documentation) and approved. Please keep a copy of everything that you submit for your records.

Checklists & Guides


See the following policies for detailed information regarding travel.


Travel FAQ

The only travel forms that should be used can be located ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ website under the Business Office:

Please be advised that any old travel authorization and travel claims should be discarded and not used. If one of the old forms is submitted, it will be returned with a request that the information be submitted on the new form.

Air travel is recommended when time is a factor or when the cost of other methods of transportation is substantially higher or when the length of the trip is so long that it is the most practical means of transportation. Automobiles may be used when two or more are making the same trip and it is more economical, in cost and time, to travel by automobile. (See General Travel Policy - Section III-B)

The normal miles that you drive to your work location each day are referred to as commuting miles. On a day which you are normally scheduled to work but you travel to another location, for business reasons, instead of coming into your regular place of work you are required to deduct your normal commuting miles from the total miles driven. If the trip to the alternative location is shorter than your normal commute then no mileage reimbursement is given.

The per diem rates for M&I (Meals & Incidental expenses) include all meals, tips, phone calls home, etc. These expenses will only be paid for travel that requires an overnight stays. Please remember that only 75% of the per diem rate will be allocated for the first and last day of travel.

In-state rates are included in the General Travel Policy (See General Travel Policy-Addendum). Out-of-Country rates are also found in the General Travel Policy.

Out-of-state rates can be found on .

Do NOT use the GSA for in-state travel.

No, you have the freedom to determine what hotel to stay in while you are traveling. However, you will only be reimbursed up to the maximum outlined in the Addendum to TBR’s travel policy unless you are attending a conference/meeting and are staying in the conference approved hotel indicated in the brochure.

Yes, there are some travel charges that can be charged on the Pro-card. They include the following:

  1. Conference Registration Fees
  2. Airline Tickets – NO Business Class or Early Bird allowed

Please be aware that the Travel Authorization Form must be completed and approved prior to placing any charges on the Pro-card. A copy of the approved Travel Authorization Form should be attached to the Pro-card along with the receipts and kept in the Pro-card Log that is maintained by the manager or his/her designee of the Pro-card in your department.

Print outs from either Google Maps or MapQuest documenting the route taken and the commuting route should be attached to the claim. Also, receipts or other documentation substantiating the amount should be attached. (See General Travel Policy - Section II. 6 & 7.)

Yes, up to 80% of the total travel expenses can be advanced before travel (this includes the total of all expenses including those expenses paid with the Pro-card). No advance of less than $100 will be made. A follow-up claim is required when a travel advance is issued. When requesting a travel advance, please keep in mind the check printing / direct deposit schedule for Accounts Payable.

Be sure to check the box in the top left of the travel claim. If you know whose attention the billing should go to at TBR, write in the person’s name beside the box.

Also contact the Accounts Payable office for guidelines when filling out the claims.