Anyone who will be requesting reimbursement for travel-related expenses must have an approved Travel Authorization on file prior to the date(s) of travel. A blanket authorization may be submitted for the entire fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) for frequent in-state travel (covers mileage and parking expenses only). However, a separate travel authorization is required for any travel that requires registration fees, airline tickets, or overnight stays in a hotel. The travel authorization must include all estimated expenses for each trip. All out-of-state and out-of-country travel must be approved by the President of the College.
Documentation regarding all expected travel-related expenses should be attached to the back of the travel authorization, i.e., per diem rates, conference information, transportation costs, etc. Please remember that the authorization is an estimate of total expenses.
Reimbursement of expenses will only take place after travel has taken place, and both a Travel Authorization Form and a Travel Expense Form have been submitted (Including the attachment of all outstanding receipts/documentation) and approved. Please keep a copy of everything that you submit for your records.
Checklists & Guides
- Non-Athletic Student Group
- In state
- Out of state
- Viewing Budget Information in Self Service Banner
- Viewing Travel Instruction Guide
See the following policies for detailed information regarding travel.